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Download the latest Dota 6.89 AI map and play with your friends

Dota 6.89 AI Map Download: Everything You Need to Know

If you are a fan of the popular multiplayer online battle arena game Dota, you might be interested in downloading and playing the latest version of the Dota AI map, which is Dota 6.89 AI. This map allows you to play against computer-controlled opponents, or bots, with various levels of difficulty and intelligence. You can also customize your game settings, such as the number of heroes, the game mode, the gold and experience rate, and more.

dota 6.89 ai map download

Download File:

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Dota 6.89 AI map, including its history, features, benefits, disadvantages, download sources, installation steps, gameplay modes, strategies, alternatives, and reviews. By the end of this article, you will be able to download, install, play, and enjoy this map with ease.

What is Dota 6.89 AI Map?

Dota 6.89 AI map is a custom map for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne that is based on the official Dota map created by IceFrog. It is developed by a Chinese player named DracoL1ch, who translated it to English and fixed some bugs and errors. It is also known as DotA Allstars 6.89a7 or DotA v6.89a7.

The history and features of Dota 6.89 AI Map

Dota 6.89 AI map was released on March 20, 2019 by DracoL1ch as an update to the previous version of Dota 6.88 AI map. It is compatible with the latest patch of Warcraft III (1.31) and supports both Reign of Chaos (RoC) and The Frozen Throne (TFT) modes.

Some of the features of Dota 6.89 AI map are:

  • It contains 112 unique heroes from the original Dota map, including new ones such as Pangolier, Dark Willow, Grimstroke, Mars, Monkey King, Underlord, Arc Warden, Winter Wyvern, Oracle, Techies, Terrorblade, Phoenix, Legion Commander, Ember Spirit, Earth Spirit, Skywrath Mage, Abaddon, Elder Titan.

  • It includes new items such as Dragon Lance, Faerie Fire, Solar Crest, Octarine Core, Tome of Knowledge, Blight Stone.

  • It has improved AI scripts that make the bots more intelligent and challenging.

  • It has fixed some bugs and errors that were present in the previous versions.

  • It has added some new features such as dynamic weather effects (rain, snow), custom game modes (all pick, all random), custom commands (gold cheat), custom sounds (announcer), custom models (courier).

The benefits and disadvantages of playing Dota 6.89 AI Map

Playing Dota 6.89 AI map has some benefits and disadvantages that you should be aware of before downloading it.

Some of the benefits are:

  • You can play offline without an internet connection or a account.

  • You can practice your skills and strategies against different levels of bots.

  • You can customize your game settings according to your preferences.

You can enjoy the latest updates and Some of the disadvantages are:

  • You cannot play online with other human players or join tournaments.

  • You cannot access some features that are exclusive to the official Dota map, such as ranked matchmaking, battle pass, cosmetics, etc.

  • You may encounter some bugs or errors that are not fixed by the developer.

  • You may face some compatibility issues with your Warcraft III version or operating system.

How to download and install Dota 6.89 AI Map?

If you want to download and install Dota 6.89 AI map, you need to follow some simple steps and tips that we will provide in this section.

The sources and requirements for downloading Dota 6.89 AI Map

There are several sources where you can download Dota 6.89 AI map for free, such as:

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  • The official website of DracoL1ch:

  • The official Facebook page of DracoL1ch:

  • The official YouTube channel of DracoL1ch:

  • The unofficial website of Dota AI:

  • The unofficial website of GetDota:

Before you download Dota 6.89 AI map, you need to make sure that you have the following requirements:

  • A copy of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne installed on your computer.

  • A patch of Warcraft III that is compatible with Dota 6.89 AI map, such as 1.26, 1.27, or 1.31.

  • A file extractor program, such as WinRAR or 7-Zip.

  • A file manager program, such as Windows Explorer or Finder.

The steps and tips for installing Dota 6.89 AI Map

After you have downloaded Dota 6.89 AI map from one of the sources above, you need to follow these steps to install it on your computer:

  • Locate the downloaded file, which should be named DotA_Allstars_6.89a7.w3x or DotA_v6.89a7.w3x.

  • Extract the file using your file extractor program.

  • Copy the extracted file and paste it into your Warcraft III maps folder, which should be located at C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\Download or C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\Download.

  • Launch your Warcraft III game and select Single Player mode.

  • Select Custom Game and browse for the Dota 6.89 AI map file in your maps folder.

  • Select the map and click Start Game.

Some tips for installing Dota 6.89 AI map are:

  • If you have multiple versions of Warcraft III installed on your computer, make sure you use the one that is compatible with Dota 6.89 AI map.

  • If you have multiple versions of Dota AI maps installed on your computer, make sure you use the latest one or delete the older ones to avoid confusion.

  • If you encounter any errors or problems while installing or playing Dota 6.89 AI map, try to update your Warcraft III patch, reinstall your Warcraft III game, or contact the developer for support.

How to play and enjoy Dota 6.89 AI Map?

Once you have installed Dota 6.89 AI map on your computer, you can start playing and enjoying it with the following steps and tips:

The modes and commands for playing Dota 6.89 AI Map

Dota 6.89 AI map has several modes and commands that you can use to customize your game settings and experience. You can enter these modes and commands in the chat box before or during the game.

Some of the modes and commands are:

  • -ap (All Pick): Allows you to choose any hero from the pool.

  • -ar (All Random): Assigns a random hero to each player.

  • -dm (Death Match): Allows you to respawn with a different hero after dying.

  • -sc (Super Creeps): Spawns stronger creeps after a certain time.

  • -wtf (What The F*ck): Removes mana costs and cooldowns for all skills and items.

  • -gold x (Gold Cheat): Gives you x amount of gold, where x is a number between 1 and 99999.

  • -lvlup x (Level Up Cheat): Gives you x levels, where x is a number between 1 and 24.

  • -test (Test Mode): Enables various testing features, such as instant respawn, unlimited gold, etc.

You can also combine multiple modes and commands by separating them with spaces, such as -ap -sc -wtf -gold 99999.

The strategies and tricks for enjoying Dota 6.89 AI Map

Dota 6.89 AI map can be a fun and challenging way to practice your skills and strategies against different levels of bots. You can also enjoy the game with your friends by creating a LAN or online game using programs such as Garena or RGC.

Some of the strategies and tricks for enjoying Dota 6.89 AI map are:

  • Choose a hero that suits your playstyle and role, such as carry, support, ganker, etc.

  • Buy items that complement your hero's skills and stats, such as damage, armor, mana, etc.

  • Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each hero, such as their abilities, counters, synergies, etc.

  • Coordinate with your teammates and communicate with them using the chat or voice chat.

Use wards, smoke, dust, and other items to gain vision and information a





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